Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The King Returns

So Jeff posted down below me about how he was in an accident and how he dreamed about the Burger King guy who scares him and I am also frightened of him, but what I'm about to tell you will both terrify you and mystify you...

I was there when Jeff woke up, he spends the night at the place that I sleep, and... no shit, when he woke up, he was sweating and screaming and I was all "jeff? what's wrong?" and he was all "oh dude, that fucking burger king guy, the big one, he was after me and shit" and I was like "no way dude, that guy is crazy scary" and jeff was all "yeah I know but it was just a dream" and then...we looked down in Jeff's hands and he was holding a huge gold crown that said "BK" on it. Then we cut our arms up with broken wine bottles.

Yeah, and I'm so totally scared of the bald guy from the Six Flags commercials too. Fuck that dancin' guy, man He's the devil!!!